Saturday, December 12, 2009


Happy Third Sunday of Advent! For most people this is not really a big deal, but I find this one of my favorite days of the year. It is called Gaudete Sunday, from the Latin gaudeo which means to rejoice. It is supposed to be a day of rejoicing for the Lord's coming. But I find it an especially powerful day to remind myself of what I should rejoice about in my own life.
For a lot of people Advent, the four weeks before Christmas, is mainly of season of preparation. For some people this means buying presents and putting up decorations. But for me it is a time to prepare my heart and mind. (And to buy presents.) We spend so much of our lives going, going, going. And even more during the Holiday Season. Maybe that is why I find it especially important to slow down at this time of year and consider all for which I am grateful. (And I know that's what Thanksgiving is for, but there is never really a bad time for it.) And there are so many things; my family, my friends, and all the people who have made me who I am today. So thank you all. Thinking about all these things, I can't help but be joyful. And so I REJOICE!

rejoice |riˈjois|
1) feel or show great joy or delight

1 comment:

Michelle said...

A lovely reflection, Mike!