Saturday, February 13, 2010

Jesus is a Freshman

"Jesus is a freshman!" my friend Kaitlin whispered to me in the middle of the play. Well, yeah, I guess he is. Last night a few friends and I went to see Godspell at Villinova. It was performed in the main church on campus, not in the theater. It was a very moving experience. The show begins with a choir singing in the front, right before the altar. Then from the back, above us in the choir loft, is John the Baptist. It was like that throughout, a great use of a great space. But what struck me above all else was the fact that there where five extra women among Jesus' disciples. At first I just wondered why, but soon I forgot about it, lost in power of the play. But at the talk-back afterwards, the director mention that exact thing. He said that he added those women to symbolize the women of Christianity. "They got it, a lot quicker then the guys." He went on to say that women have played a very important part in the history of the Church. The most obvious part of that was when those five extra women took Jesus down from the cross. As a woman bore him into this world, it was women who bore him to his tomb and women who discovered his resurrection. So power to the women!